Thursday, March 31, 2011

A few things...

Here are some pictures of a few things we've been up to lately.

It's finally warming up! 
So Eli and I have been going on walks around the circles... I LOVE it. 
I thrive in warm weather and I have been in definite need of some vitamin D lately.

I made Eli some super cute bibs.
They are perfect because they're big and they're snug around his neck, so they actually do what they were made to do!!
(that is keep the food off his clothes)
Those store bought ones just never quite did it.

Martin decided to make some homemade mozzarella since we have an abundance of milk.
It tasted great except that we heated it up one too many times while pulling it and so it didn't really have the texture it was supposed to... haha oh well. 
It was a learning experience and we will definitely try it again. 

As much as I love that it's warming up, the one thing I sometimes don't love about summer is...
The tractor.
It's a love hate relationship.
I love to ride the tractor with Martin.
I hate that Martin has to be on the tractor for soooo long each day.
Maybe this year I won't notice it as much since Eli will be keeping me busy.
Man I have a cute husband.
Look at this guy.

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