Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Glow in the Dark Bruise...

Last night I came home to an awesome surprise in the mail.
AubRee had sent us these SUPER cute pjs for Eli! 

When she came to visit, Kruz had these same pjs and we were jealous, because first of all they have awesome glow in the dark stars on them, and second we had tried to get them for Eli.
We had told her how we saw them at Costco and thought they were so cool, but of course after digging through messy heaps of pjs (this was over the holidays so the piles were trashed...) they (of course) had none in Eli's size. 
So, Aub was a total sweetheart and when she saw them at Costco in Eli's size she got them for him!

Now enter the bruise part of the story...
We put them on Eli last night and decided to turn off all the lights so he could see the glowing stars. 
Everything was fine while he was looking at his pjs, but then he decided to get up and do something and right as Martin was saying "Hey bud, stay here you're going to bonk on something" we hear BONK, followed by WAILING. 
We immediately grabbed him and turned on the lights, and in less than a minute this appeared...

Poor lil guy got his first black eye. 
Luckily it's not that bad, and he recovered pretty quickly.
Still, no momma wants to see her baby hurt. 
He's gotten several bloody mouths since he started walking, which in my opinion is scarier, because hello there's blood involved. But, he's never gotten any kind of bruise until now. 
Hopefully this is the last. 
Good luck with that you say? Haha 


  1. oooh poor guy!
    do they have those jammies in my size?! what a clever idea.

  2. oh eli looks so cute in his jammies! so sad he got a black eye though poor little guy! maybe they weren't such a good idea haha!
